Getting a massage is one of those weird things that everyone loves but very few people do regularly. It is forever resigned to be one of those holiday activities that never happen at home, along with drinking pina coladas and indulging in a 4 course breakfast buffet.
There are so many health benefits to having a massage beyond just relaxation that it’s something we should all be doing. Massage is actually a fantastic weight loss tool, it reduces stress and inflammation in your body which in turn lowers cortisol levels. High cortisol results in stubborn fat deposits so if your putting in the hours in the gym this is a great way to counteract the pressure you are putting on your body.
Massage is also a great way to help lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, relieve muscle soreness and detox your lymphatic system. The health and wellness advantages are endless, plus it just feels like a real treat and your deserve.
It’s the ultimate act of self care so show your body some love and book in.